5 Healthy Habits That May be Missed
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There are some bad habits that we must be changed to make the body healthier. For example, implementing a healthy eating pattern, adequate rest and exercise. But there were some good things that can be missed. You definitely want to know if customs is good, and what the reason.

Keep in mind also that what is eaten is more important than any eat. An often person also take the wrong breakfast menu, like fried rice, Padang, rice or other fatty foods, containing coconut milk, and was great. Breakfast like this only makes us sleepy. "Wait until you feel hungry, and take something nutritious," Katz said.
Check the condition of their own breasts every month. This is recommended by experts and midwifery womb to see if there is deviation, such as a lump in the breast. According to Christy Russell, MD, Head of Breast Cancer Advisory Group of the American Cancer Society, we need not do it often. Some of the clinical trial showed that women who perform breast self-exam (BSE) wouldn’t recover from breast cancer if they find a lump than those do not. "If a lump is large enough so that you can feel, the tumor is growing than if only be found through mammography early, which will reduce your opportunities to survive," he said.
BSE also increase the likelihood of a wrong: a clinical trial found that women who do BSE are two-fold increase the level of the biopsy does not do. You better start schedule mammogram each year enter the age of 40 years. Meanwhile, women who inherit the breast cancer genes or family in the first level with the disease are advised to get started between the ages of 25 and 30 years. However, it is true, is also good to check yourself because you do more with your own breasts so that they can catch if the changes occur.
Consume multivitamin every day. If you are implementing a healthy eating pattern, it is better not to scrimp too much to buy multivitamin. There is no evidence that multivitamin to help (or destroy) our health, so according to the National Institutes of Health. But if you're not eating properly, is a mistake if you rely on the vitamin ago to meet the nutritional needs of the main. The vitamins do not provide benefits such as faster as you get from healthy foods that contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and so forth. When you consume has become habit, how can you stop it.
Survive in the home if the air outside the cold or rain. Outside when the rain or cold winds blow faster, or in the still wet hair after shampoo, you will not make flu, unless you are in place for days. If you feel cold to tremble, please go to the house to warm. Trembling is a sign that your body experiencing stress because your body temperature down, which cause you to easily infected virus. Conversely, if you persist in a humid room is also not healthy. Open the windows, clean the air and let it go.
Do not eat after 19:00 o'clock. This prescription diet recommended many people. According to Tara Gidus, RD, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, the metabolism flagging at night is just myth. Secret of the decrease in body weight you are not consumed one-pint ice cream after eating many calories in a day. Gidus suggested partake with a 100-150 calorie snack, such as apple or handful almond, to keep your blood sugar stable throughout the night. That way you will not be awakened in a state of very hungry.