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AQMS through methods of monitoring air quality be done with the 5 parameters, namely PM10, SO2, CO2, O3 and NO2. Meanwhile, the Riau Islands for the measurement of air quality carried out through methods High Volume Air Sampler (HVAS). Specifically for air pollution that comes from forest fires, in mid-2002 the Government of Riau Province in cooperation with the Office of the Ministry of Environment has implemented Ambient air quality monitoring at several locations that have a point of fire-prone forests is the potential to contaminate large air. On the monitoring results indicate generally ambient air quality conditions in the area at the time the sample is still in the category, and under the national quality standard ambient air quality.
In water pollution control efforts undertaken by the Government of Riau Province in the period between the years 1998-2002 are:
(1) The Liquid Waste Quality Standard for industrial activity through SK gubenur Riau Number 8 Year 2001 on the Liquid Waste Quality Standard Industrial;
(2) The Quality Standard for the quality of the river, is adjusted with the function and condition of each river;
(3) Supervision and control of the river contaminate efforts through Land Application, minimize waste production and water supply;
(4) Improve the management of liquid waste through the regulation of Riau Province Number 7 Year 2000 on Retribution Permit The Control of Liquid Waste.
To control the occurrence of solid waste pollution, the Government of Riau Province in accordance with the authority, continue to conduct training and assessment as part of a hygiene program ‘Bangun Praja’. During the assessment ‘Adipura’ not implemented, the quality of hygiene and environmental health in various cities in the province of Riau is decreasing. Therefore, since 2000, held back competition Hygiene City of cities with the classification of large cities, medium cities and small cities. In 2001, the results of Race Hygiene shows there are 3 (three) of the city clean, 4 (four) of the city a bit cleaner and two (2) the city was quite dirty. Then in 2002 it was increasing with the results of the assessment: 6 (six) of clean, two (2) the city is quite clean, and one (1) the city was quite dirty. Race Hygiene City will continue to be implemented in an effort to motivate the City Region to realize the city's clean and comfortable for residents.
Based on Government Regulation Number 18 and Number 85 of 1999 on Waste Management B3, supervision and control of waste B3 is a central government authority. However, monitoring several potential industrial waste produced B3, intensively carried out by the Government of Riau Province in the period of five (5) years, in order to minimize waste cumulating B3. About the handling of cases of environmental Tim Yustisi Environmental Pollution Control conducted pollution was established with the Decree of the Governor of Riau.
About forest fires, of hot spot over the last 5 years fluctuate. In 1998 there were 19,227 hot spots, while in 2002 there were 8,764 hot spot. This means in general decrease the number of hot spots that are significant within the last 5 years. Then the area of forest fire that occurred in Riau Province also fluctuates. In 1998 the area of forest fire of 14,885.25 ha and in 2002 a decrease 10,242.05 Ha.
Riau Provincial Government to continue to work on forest fire prevention through counseling, assessment of performance and readiness of companies engaged in forestry and plantations, to the training of staff for forest fires in the province and regency / city and law enforcement consistently. In efforts to control forest fires and land formed Center for Control of Forest and Land Fire (PUSDALKARHUTLA) Riau Province Riau Governor of the decision, the district was formed Fire Control Unit of Forest and Land (SATLAKDALKARHUTLA), with the Decree of Bupati / Mayor, the District formed Task Force (SATLAKARHUTLA) while in the village was gang Fire and Forest Land (REGDAMKARHUTLA). Handling the case of forest fire and land made by Tim Yustisi established with the Decree of Governor Riau. In law enforcement aspects of the environment, particularly land and forest fires, Riau province is the first deal that has been completed and the case of forest fire and land up to the decision ditetapkannya law remains on the level of cassation by the Supreme Court against the PT. ADEI Plantation. In addition, at this time, the legal process is being conducted against five (5) the company that is suspected to land and forest burning in 2002.
In the implementation of sustainable development (Sustainable Development) course, irrespective of the environment is not found in the coastal areas, beach and sea. One of the ecosystems that are quite dominant affect coastal areas, beaches and the sea is a coral reef and mangrove. Efforts to conserve coral reef ecosystems and the mangrove continued effort by the Government of Riau Province, in order to minimize the degradation of ecosystems, through the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP). The success of this program COREMAP the success of this program is reflected in the delivered its coral reefs and mangrove. In 1998, 52,180 ha of coral reefs of health conditions ranging between 12% to 33% (percentage of live coral nappe), while in 2002 + 2670 Ha of the area that is managed, the number increased significantly to be equal to 0.12% - 15% or 48% live coral coverings. This shows there has been a significant increase in the recovery of coral reef health. Furthermore, the mangrove forest ecosystem, which is not detached from the coral reef, during the period 1998-2002, also shows a relatively brisk growth. In 1998, broad mangrove forest located in the coastal region to the level of Ha + damage + 4,000 ha per year, and after program implementation and COREMAP in Riau Province CoFish years 2000-2002 the rate of damage in the new work is up to 0.12% of the damage that occur each year.
Posted : http://www.riau.go.id