Natural Resources and the Environment (What The Two Currency)
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Moreover, lead is identical from a characteristic of a province called Bangka Belitung. Who does not know country if we say we are one of the lead in this republic. However, speaking about the management of a tin mine itself, it's very ashamed to see how the surface of this land that has been destroyed and formed a small pit-pit so formed as a small lake. Moreover, take a very expensive cost for the reclamation of land at least reduce the impact on the future. Who will be the blame? Not that the question we must answer.
But, how such things can happen and what must we do to provide the best solution for a sustainable environment. Maybe, if it is associated with poverty and how people should think for filling "stomach" this is the case may be the main reason to encourage people deplete natural environment, so destructive. If we observe that we can say there is a connection between the amount and kinds of natural resources with the product for public consumption. Relationship can be seen that the consumption pattern of the community the more the natural resources that will be managed and the more diverse pattern of consumption society, the variety of the natural resources that will be managed.
Of the problems mentioned above, we can study and may have to be a question for us, why such things happen? The answer of course is on the self to each of us to be more sensible to the environment before the environment itself that tells us that every natural disaster that happens is because the hand of the man himself. We observed how a flood disaster that occurred in Aceh & North Sumatra caused defoliation National Park, Mount Leuser, Alikodra (7/12/2006) or in the country Serumpun Of itself, some of the last sunday of the occurrence of floods swamp area Semabung, Pangkal pinang result does not there is more absorption into the water in the surrounding area. But as we know that the forest area has the ability to set up governance in the water, prevent erosion and flooding, and maintain soil fertility.
Speaking of natural resources is not necessarily separated from the role of an effective technology for a sustainable environment. Therefore, employers must be able to choose how and production technology that can reduce the negative impact of the environment. Moreover, if we see the spatial policy areas with the goal to be able to create the space of a balanced, optimal environment for conception and the interests of the public. We can not close the eyes, how the use of technology such as heavy equipment on the mining sector, which is seporadis chop forest to seek out products that sometimes result naught or 0%. To whom we are responsible? Think about what we can leave for generations to come, and what can we say to them. Or the environment such as this that we will inherit them?
End of a problem, will be complete with the solutions that may be there will be follow-up to the front. First, the government should be more active in increasing public awareness of the importance of the role of environment in human life through education in and outside school. Second, the evaluation and the need to inventory the potential environmental and natural resources. Third, increase research and development of the potential benefits of the forest, especially for the development of agriculture, industry and health. Fourth, the provision of Infra Structure and spatial natural resources and the environment both on land, sea and air. Fifth, Need for environmental impact analysis requirements of businesses that lead to the balance of life. Finally, the need for counseling and cooperation partnerships between institutions in the Community Management of the Environment and natural resources and the need to increase the ability of institutions and human resources management apparatus of natural resources and the environment. Because of the good is a conception of the environment even though sometimes with the possibility of damage to be pondered and considered the benefits of indemnification to its fate and the decision was taken with the full responsibility to the generations to come. Because the generation to come, did not participate in the decision making process in determining the current use of natural resources that we actually only lend them to the development of the present time with the impact of development in the future!
Written By: Darus Altin